Contact information

Did you receive an invoice from the City? Do you want to change the due date or report an address change?

The customer service of the Financial Management Services is available on +358 (0)9 310 25300 on weekdays at 9:00–15:00. If the matter pertains to a service being invoiced or its content, please contact the division that provided the service.

You can also contact the Financial Management Services via a form or e-mail. Remember to include your name and contact information when contacting us electronically:

Contact form of the Financial Management Services (in Finnish)


Postal address: PO Box 230, 00099 City of Helsinki

Street address: Sörnäisten rantatie 27 A, Helsinki 50 (not open to public). Please note: You can pay Helsinki City invoices at Kallio office building (map)

Personnel email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)

Talpa public cash services: Toinen linja 4 A, Kallio Office Building (map) , open Mon–Wed and Fri 9.00-15.30

Do you have a question conserning wages paid by the City of Helsinki?

Contact Payroll Services (in Finnish)